I have an x-carve. Having said that it’s with not much pride because from the get go I have had a problem with y axis. I have checked wiring until I went cross eyed. I have cross connect y axis on to z axis and it works well. Put the same cable back to y axis on the g-shield and nothing.
I have had customer service flashed my arduino board. It works well, Thanks to John in customer support. I am at a total loss of why both y motors works when not connected to y input of the g-shield. I have adjusted the current as per advice in setting set-up.
I do have green lights on g-shield for all three axis’ .
I have spent upwards of 16 hours troubleshooting this. I have eliminated wiring, voltage and connection (partially)
Stupid question, you verified that two wires from the right Y axis motor were swapped when connected to the left side, right? If you don’t do that, your motors will try to move the gantry in opposite directions…
I did cross wire for fun and rewired to make sure I was doing the right thing. my y drive doesn’t work. when I put my y leads to the other axis’ it works…but y terminal is for y so it has to work
Well, if the Y motors work on one of the other axes and you have adjusted the current limits then it’s most likely a bad Y driver and you need a new gShield.