We are having some issues with our x-carve. Over the course of this year we have replaced the g shield numerous times due to the y axis falling and becoming unresponsive.
We are now having this issue again but we have replaced it three times in 6 carves. At first we thought it may be due to moving the gantry while the power is off to the arduino in between carves. But now falling short with that i have to replace the g shield again.
We did one 41 minute long carve with complete success, used easel to move the gantry aside to clean the machine and setup for another carve and then nothing… the y axis (another blown g shield) has failed again.
So I’m going to replace everything on the y axis including motors, wiring, g shield, and arduino and going to try again tommorrow, (and yes both motors still work well but we are replacing them anyway).
Does anyone else have any ideas on what might be causing the GShield to short out over and over again for the y axis?
What is the current setting?
Did you check the wiring?
I would use a meter to check all the wire paths disconnecting them from the board and motors and make sure you have no shorts or resistance between them.
Make sure you use some tape (Masking or duct tape is ok) where the wires come out of the metal box. if they hit that box it could cause a short.
If you need an image I will post one but it should be simple where you screw down the wires the edges of the box are not rounded but rather a bit sharp. Despite the paint you can get it to rub then it will short out.
Make sure there is no shorts or wires conducting to the frame.
I have not had any issues and I am using a stock machine.
Make sure the there are no heat sources near the Gshield card.
Consider upgrading to the new X-controller as its a much better setup with better cooling.
Marty, are you certain the g-shield is actually shorted? I had issues with my Y previously and it ended up being a bad crimp on the wire. Assuming you haven’t done that already I would scrub the entire line from motor to controller looking for any sign of bad crimp, loose wire, broken wire, or wear spot where it could be shorting etc. Have you checked that the pots are adjusted correctly. There are several videos showing these steps you might take a look at.
See this all the time at work. replace the broken part without fixing what broke it and you will be fixing that part again. biggest example we have at work is a burnt blower motor switch, easy to change but they don’t burn on there own, replace the blower motor (high amp draw) and then the switch will stop over heating and new switch will last. you got to fix the problem not just the result.