Where are the online patterns?

I have watched all of the YouTube videos several times and I have noticed that a few of the 'tubers say " I went to google (or xxxxxxx) found some art I could use, downloaded it and then uploaded it into Easel and cut this out. Where are they finding patterns and how do you get them converted to the proper format? Are there any free/cheap drawing programs that will let you save your project to the proper format for the x-carve? Thanks for all the help… Dr. J Popa

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I use gimp to draw and edit. i use inkscape to make svg’s
I don’t trust downloads unless proven safe this is why i hold right mouse button on a online image then drag and drop into editing software of my choice.

I have been successful finding .SVG files from these sources:


Mostly, I just find an image using Google, import it into Inkscape, and use the Trace Bitmap Tool to convert it to a path, then import it into Easel. Sometimes, the path is too complex, so I use Inkscape’s Beizer curve tool to trace over the image to simplify it, then convert to a path, then import into Easel.

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If you use google to find your images, try using their “search tools”. You can filter the results by useage rights so that you can get yourself some images without infringing upon copyrights.

Even then, if you’re posting “your work”, at least make the effort to provide attribution to the original artist/author. Cutting an image into wood, doesn’t make that image yours…

I’m also an ameteur photographer, people grabbing images and using them without permission is a major problem, I’d prefer not to be doing the same thing with my woodworking hobby.

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Stumbled upon this site;

From their site;

Download the latest woodworking and metalworking plans, vector patterns and 3D models.

Be careful! You could loose a lot of time there!

Wow, that site could definitely suck you in for a while! Too bad it’s not for commercial use, you could put a lot of those things on random pieces (like coasters)…

Down the rabbit hole! Here are some other sites with free art!

And if you cannot find anything with the above sites, here is a vector search engine;


Artistic representation with woodworkers and copyright have always been issues with the digital world for many years. Another good source of copyright free art is scroll saw patterns - make sure the person allows you to use their design not just something you saw on Google there are a ton of free vector sites out there you just gotta look around.

Steve Good is an amazing Scroll Saw Artist and Pattern Maker with many Free Patterns that may work for use on the XCarve

you can do a royalty free image search on google

The items i do sell are created by me or i have purchased the rights to use.

Thanks I have also been wondering about this.

In case someone need good quality .eps or .svg vectors.

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There are vector, graphic, 2D and 3D artistic drawings consisting of various categories in this section. All of these designs are cuttable and printable designs.

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