hi guys hope your all well im making a table and want to use this logo in easel can any one please change this image for me and make it more clear in easel i would be most graetful for your help i am new to easel and only had my new toy last month thanks again guys here the logo and my email address if any one can help thanks again james
here is an svg i made for you
let me know if this helps
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sir you are a legend many thanks to you can i ask how you did that ? what program do u use thanks again james
oh no problem check out this website
its super easy and will convert almost any image into a svg
also look into the image trace app within easel this works as well and you can do a bit more with it but i think that the website above does a better job
but i believe between the 2 almost any image can be done up pretty easy
glad i could help
alot of the problem with that image above is the shading of colors and the very small details in the crown and the anchor I believe if it was brought into inkscape you could do alot more with it and even photoshop can help to make a cleaner image