Hi all. I’m thinking of buying an x carve but I need to know what spindle/ router I would need so it would work in the UK. I see the dewalt 611 is only for us voltage. Hope someone can put me on the right tracks. Thanks mark.
There is a european version of the dewalt611. The name has slipped my mind but I`m sure someone else will drop it here in time.
Alternatively, check out the Makita rt0700c router. Works like a charm for me.
It can be used with the dewalt611 mount and a couple 3d printed spacers.
Also, John Scherer can set you up with a custom mount for the makita router. Check the threads below.
Best of luck, hope to see you posting some assembly pictures later!
Hi EBR, Thanks for repling to me. is it the dewalt 26200 model you was thinking about for the eeuropean version? do you know what the silent spindle is and would it work in the dewalt 611 mount? I’m new to all this so hope I’m not sounding stupid. I really want to know what I would need to buy from inventable to start to carve/ cut as soon as it arrives, I.E what router I need that would fit the x carve that works in the united kingdom. thanks mate…
Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s the one:
Thanks for the link nam37
That is the Dewalt one I was thinking about.
If I am not mistaken that one is, apart from voltage and name, identical to the 611 sold in the US.
I suggest you start filling your shopping basket with what you think you need and post it here for some feedback before pulling out your Visa. Simplest solution I think.
Do not order wasteboard from Inventables. There is another site in the UK where you can source that to get local shipping fees. I’ll see if I can dig up the link…
Don’t worry about sounding stupid. This forum is a great place with lots of patient and understanding people who will gladly help you out. I’m a complete beginner myself, just two months further down the road than you.
Thanks ebr. That was a great bit of advise you gave me. If you could source the link out for the waste board from the UK that would be even better. Or even if you just remember the company’s name. Thanks again. Mark.
Hope this helps. Maybe you can get a better deal in total by bypassing Inventables altogether?
I compared prices before ordering mine, but the currency situation made Inventables a cheaper option.
Yesterday i replaced the stock spindle for a makita rt0700 with a dewalt spindlemount.
to fill the gap between the spindle and the mount i took a piece of pvc pipe that happend to be 70mm outside diameter with a wall thickness of 1,5mm.
Makita FTW!
the makita router is less expensive and has a wider rpm range as the Dewalt. Yesterday evening i did a quick test in mdf, now i understand why everybody is changing routers.
Is that with the makita rt0700?
Hi would the makita rt0700. Cut out a fag shape in 20mm pine wood?
I ment to say dog shape in 20mm pine wood
We discussed that a bit on the Shapeoko: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable
I’d be hard put to get anything other than a Kress if I were in Europe.
Given that you have a long enough bit to reach through 20mm pine the Makita will definitely do the job.
But definitely check out the Kress option Will posted as well before making a choice. You might have a easier route to finding collets for smaller bits than the 6mm and 8mm standard collets for Makita. I’m picking up my 1/8" and 1/4" collets at the post office tomorrow. Had to order them from Elair Corp in the US. Slight hassle…
Hi EBR Here is my shopping list so far? would the silent spindle be powerfull enough to cut out dog shapes in 20mm pine wood? or would I be better off with the dewalt 26200 which is the European version of the dewalt611. thanks again
Unit Price
remove X-Carve X-Carve X-Carve
X-Carve Core Components
X-Carve 500mm Rail Kit
Black MakerSlide, extrusions and GT2 belts
X-Carve ACME Lead Screw Kit
ACME lead screw, Delrin nut and hex nut
X-Carve 500mm Waste Board Kit
Waste board with threaded inserts and hardware (clamps not included)
X-Carve NEMA 23 Stepper Motor Kit
Four 140oz-in stepper motors, pulleys, hardware
X-Carve DeWalt 611 Spindle Mount
Mount and hardware (spindle not included)
X-Carve Arduino/gShield Motion Controller Kit
Arduino, gShield, enclosure, fan, USB cable, wire, hardware
X-Carve Power Supply Kit
24V / 16.7A / 400W Power supply, interface PCB, power cord and hardware
X-Carve 500mm Wiring Kit
Cable, terminal blocks, hardware
X-Carve 500mm Drag Chain Kit
Drag chain, mounting brackets, hardware
X-Carve Limit Switch Kit
Switches, wire and hardware
High Speed Steel 2 Flute Upcut Spiral
Onsrud bit with 1/4" shank and cutting diameter, good for woods and soft metals
Orders placed today ship within 2-3 weeks $899.90 $899.90
Use a gift certificate
You have a Dewalt611 mount - I doubt any of the Silent Cut spindles fit into that. You probably need this one: Spindle Carriage – Inventables, Inc.
Make sure get a proper idea on how to power the Quiet Cut spindles. 600w requires a separate power supply. 300w one is 48VDC, the power supply you have in your list is 24VDC. Might not work, but can’t give you a definitive answer as I have limited knowledge about electronics etc.
Perhaps someone else has a better answer for you.
Hi EBR. Would the x carve and dewalt spindle be able to cut these kind of. Shapes out of 20mm pine. At the moment I’m using my dewalt jigsaw to cut them out. Cheers and I’m sorry if I keep asking questions. Uploading image-37.jpeg… <img src=“/uploads/inventables/original/2X/b/b35300ae49fce334e08eeda131224a384ba20bb1.jpg” width=“690” height=“388”>