Basically I have the Makita RT0700C router and need some help… I’m in the United Kingdom and need a spindle mount also by the sound of things a 1/8 collet adapter plus some 3d printed shims
Looking on the forum, by the look of things I cant get the 1/8 collet in the UK (any suggestions?)
The spindle mount, spoke to robosavy and they don’t have them in until mid October (would it be quicker to order through inventables?
3d shims, anyone in the Uk printing them will pay money plus p&p?
Or would you just bite the bullet and order the dewalt spindle plus the 611 spindle mount???
I would (did) go with the Makita (RT0701C USA), 611 mount and shims. The Makita can run at much lower rpm than the DeWalt and will still go to 30000 rpm if you feel the need.
My Makita is rated at 10000 - 30000, but straight out of the box it would go down to 8600 rpm (It also has constant rpm with varying load).
Elaire should ship to the UK. You could call them (I think they are 6 hours behind you so maybe call at night). They will hook you up with a collet.
As for the mount you can have one made at a machine shop. It might be cheaper than having the dewalt mount shipped to the UK and then messing with shims. Attached is a dxf file of my mount which is designed for a different z-axis, but the important dimensions are there. Bring your z-axis carriage and this drawing and they should hook you up. Here I would expect to pay $150-200 for the service.