The 2018 Christmas Sale at Triquetra CNC is now underway. We plan to continue the sale all the way up through Christmas Eve. No coupons needed. So even if you don’t see this notice, you will still get the sale price. The Triquetra Touch Plate Kit is now 25% off and includes everything for 3 axis zeroing. It comes with the Touch Plate, a 16GB thumb drive with all the tutorials, help files, and Triquetra Tool Box for generating the zeroing gcode and scripts. If you have a Windows PC you can zero all three axis inside Easel now. The Triquetra is more compatible with various machines then ever before. This includes but is in no way limited to: Easel, Carbide Motion, Mach3, PicSender, Universal Gcode Sender, Source Rabbit Chilli Pepper, and many others. If your machine will support probing, then it is probably compatible. Mac users will not be able to zero inside of Easel or Carbide Motion unless they use a Windows Emulator but they can use Mach3 or one of the other Generic Gcode Senders for GRBL.
I recently contacted @RobertA_Rieke and sent him a touch plate kit to review. I asked him for an honest review and provided the touch plate kit at no charge. He agreed and below is his review.
Believe it or not I used to work for Million Air Aviation as a General Manager in Topeka Kansas. Each year on Christmas Day I would give my entire staff the day off and I would work alone handling all inbound private aircraft. I did this wearing a Santa Suit of course.
I don’t. Thanks to the Trump/China trade war, the price of Aluminum has gone up about 30%. I am determined to keep my prices fixed. With the increase in costs of aluminum I don’t make much off the Lift Plates, not even enough to justify making them to be honest but I will continue to make them as long as people want them. I won’t raise the prices until I get to the point that it cost me more to make than I sell them for.
If you want a set, go ahead and order them. I will make them today and get them out to you tomorrow.
The Bad News:
I ended the 25% discount for the Christmas 2018 Sale.
The Good News:
I replaced it with a 30% discount for a full Triquetra Touch Plate Kit.
I was reluctant to do it because the Tariffs placed on Aluminum by our ever so Brilliant President have increased the costs for aluminum substantially. My wife insisted that I not let that stop me from giving back to the community that has been so supportive. She, as always, is correct. So get them while you can. I plan to keep the sale going until Christmas.