New Year – Duh, it’s 2018 right!
New Easel Compatibility – Easel Users Rejoice. The Triquetra Tool Box now includes Easel compatible 3 Axis zeroing for Windows based PC’s. Inspired by @Traxxtar We have just completed testing of a brand new feature that is added to the Triquetra Tool Box Version This new feature makes it very easy to zero all three axis in Easel. No need for multiple zeroing files based on Bit diameters. One file zero’s all your bits. Available in both inch mode and metric mode. It is compatible with both Generation 1 X-Carve controllers as well as the new X-Controller. It works with both Easel and Easel Pro.
Simply create your project in Easel or import it from another CAD/Cam program. When you’re happy with your design, place your stock anywhere on the waste board you like launch the Auto Zero Macro with a predetermined key combination on your keyboard. Follow the prompts for each step and in less than 60 seconds your bit will be sitting at X Y Z zero. Multi bit cuts, no problem. When you change your bit just use Easel’s built in Z axis zeroing and reset your z axis.
How to use it.
Before you can run the script that you created with the Triquetra Tool Box you will have to load it into memory. To do this, simply locate the file that was created and double click on it one time. You can double click on it a second time to confirm it is loaded if you like. When you do you will get a popup message that tells you than an earlier version is running and asks if you want to update it. You can say yes or no. It will work either way.
In Easel, when you are ready to zero your machine to the stock, just hold down the “CTRL” key and tap “a”. Then follow the prompts.
New Bigger Discount – In celebration of the new functionality for Easel Users we have increased the Inventables Forum Member discount to 25% off for the next 30 days. The discount coupon code is 3corners and entered during checkout at All new orders will include Easel compatible functionality. All current users of the Triquetra Tool Box will be able to download the update to Version for free. If you purchased your touch plate prior to January 1 2017 you can get a $15.00 discount when you order just the Triquetra Tool Box which includes free lifetime updates. There is a link in the Owners Section to request the discount code.
Thats great news Charley. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to connect my xcontroller to my machine this weekend so I couldn’t test that out for you but Im glad that some of the other guys in here were able to help you out on that. Thank you and the rest of the guys here for the great support. Cant wait to try this out! Good job guys!!!
Great news! I definitely have a need for this. You are shipping to Germany (since you have “All Other Countries” listed on your site), are you?
Yes Sir,
I ship to any country not blocked by United States Law. I ship all orders via US Priority Mail using their Flat Rate Boxes. It is the least expensive method I can find that gets to you in a reasonable amount of time. Still it is said to take 6-10 days. The shipping charge to almost every country is the same except for Canada which is much less expensive. That is the reason I separate it out from all other countries.
If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to give me a shout.
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Yay! It’s amazing what can be accomplished when a community refuses to accept the ‘it can’t be done’ attitude. Well done Charley.
Thank you Sir,
I hope you don’t mind me throwing in a plug for you. It was your original post that really got me going on this. It just took a while due to the Christmas rush of orders.
Thanks for the quick reply, expect my order soon!
Best regards
AWESOME SAUCE!!! Just ordered mine. Now I just need to get my shop put back together. Been down for over 2 months now during move to new home. But soon I’ll a 2000 sq ft barn to play in.
I used the new Toolbox and Zero script this weekend. Worked like a charm.
Thanks for the help Donnie. I really appreciate the help.
Is there any support for Mac or compatibility?
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Thanks for the reply, just ordered.
Thanks for jumping in and pointing him in the right direction. Between making touch plates and getting them shipped it’s hard to keep up with emails. But I am certainly trying to answer them as quickly as possible.
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Maybe someone at Inventables will see the interest here and build in a ‘macro’ feature that will drive this 3-axis automation…thus eliminating the need for additional software apps to input keystrokes. Of course we’d still need your touch plates though. 
Keep up the great work!
That would be nice. I wrote Zach them man himself some time back about this. He promptly replied and in the end the Easel Development team felt that messing with the source code of Easel was too risky because one small change here and there could have a ripple effect that might impact the end users in a negative way. That was before they came out with the X Controller which includes Z axis zeroing. It doesn’t sound like such a major undertaking to expand the Z axis zeroing to all three though. However, since they don’t sell a 3 axis touch plate, I can understand why they wouldn’t want to go to the time and expense of supporting one. Shapeoko tried that and wants to sell theirs for about $125.00. Now I’m selling to Shapoko 3 users daily. Hmmm. wonder why.!?
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As soon as the dust settles with 3 axis zeroing for Easel Users, I plan to set my sights on doing the same for Shapoko users in Carbide Motion. That will be interesting, especially since I don’t have access to a shopeoko or Carbide Motion. I love a challenge.
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Well it appears as though I was misinformed. Any shapeoko 3 users that I have already shipped a touch plate to care to confirm this?
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Hi Charley, I’m getting ready to order one of your plates and I’ve been researching the touch probe to use with my Shapeoko XXL. I would be happy to work with you with Carbide Motion.