I’m in the process of slowly building a new 1000mm X-Carve (working on 3/16" steel X-Axis stiffening mod today). I’m still waiting for my X-Controller to ship so I’m in no rush. I’ve ordered the DeWalt 611 mount but haven’t purchased the router yet.
Before I commit to the DW611 router (I already own a DW611 that I use as a woodworking trim router so I’m very familiar with the unit) I’d like to see if there’s another option (i.e. not a trim router) that I should consider. Any specific recommendations of something ‘better’ than the DW611? It would be great if I could get something with a quick change (but still precision?) 1/8" and 1/4" collets - but that’s not a deal breaker.
I’m wondering - by the time I buy the DW611 and then add a SuperPID for speed control am I getting close to the cost of a proper spindle? Plus a spindle could run a LOT longer (without brushes to replace!) and might be a lot quieter?
If I get a spindle, I think air cooled might be better for me than liquid cooled simply because I don’t know anything about liquid cooled systems but I’m open to advice…
I’m in Canada so 60Hz 110/120V or 220/240V is no problem.
Here are a couple links about spindles/vfd’s that might interest you:
I have a 800w air cooled spindle that runs off a 2.2kw vfd (with speed control potentiometer). I bought the 2.2kw VFD from www.automationtechnologiesinc.com for $180, and the spindle I bought off Ebay for $135 (some suppliers ship from US). With those two purchases, as well as buying the wires/220v plug for the vfd, it comes close $400, so it’s a significant upgrade. To me, it is well worth it: 1) it’s a lot quieter than my old craftsman router that I used previously, 2) I can control the RPM’s via the speed control knob on the vfd, 3) it’s designed to use on CNC’s, so running them for hours and hours won’t hurt it.
If I use the DW611 I will definitely use an Arduino controlled relay for on/off.
I am trying to see what my options are for controlling the speed - I think the minimum for the DW611 is around 16K-17K. It’s my understanding that when milling plastic or aluminum a lower speed could be beneficial.
The reason for asking about a non-router spindle is to see what my options are.