I’m currently trying to decide to which spindle I should upgrade and I came across a few posts, where the Kress 1050 was recommended.
For me It would be easier to get the Kress, than the Makita or the DeWalt, since I can pick it at a local cnc shop here in Austria and they even have a 3mm/1/8" collet.
Now I’m wondering if anyone is actualy using a Kress on a X-Carve and what mount you are using for this spindle?
I believe the 43mm diameter is something of a standard, so there should be other options, or one could just make one — making one’s own spindle mounts was something of a rite of passage on the SO1/2 days.
I just upgraded my X-Carve from the 300W spindle to the Kress 1050 and it really makes a difference. Almost no vibration anymore, faster, smoother and cleaner cuts.
If you have a spindle with a Euro 43mm mount like the Kress 1050, here is a vertical mounting plate that you can carve yourself and use together with the Mechastep mount: Easel - Mechastep mount 1 — you might have to adapt the screw holes to whatever size you need depending on the material you use. My mount is simply made of 6mm MDF, which seems to work and is sturdy enough for now. I’m looking forward to having an aluminum version of the plate soon
I also went with the kress and made a z-carriage similar to yours. Mine is for the sorotec mount I posted above and is (also?) based on the universal mounting plate from inventables, but I milled it out of a 5mm aluminium sheet, which took the whole day with 300w spindle
One difference to yours, is that I placed the delrin nut holes between the top and middle holes, where I mounted the wheels. This configuration allows the Kress spindle to go all the way down to the wasteboard.
Could any Kress users suggest a solid mount and z-plate configuration? I realize people run into issues with the mounting plate not being thick enough or height issues like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyxxWMNFon4
Have you thought about building one on your cnc machine?
try looking on thingiverse, I found this for a 43mm Kress and the drawings are free. Make it from some birch plywood and paint it matt black, I know these are really meant for 3d printing but if you have a decent cad programme you can make a decent tool path for your X carve
Yes for sure thanks for the link. I’m going straight into (my first) new build with only a Kress spindle so I just ordered the Ali/Sorotec aluminum mount for $26 shipped to expedite the process. @Sebastian 's z-plate appears to be the cleanest & most efficient I’ve found so far but I am just curious about the thickness of the plate as some people advise the Kress spindles need to be pushed out further considering their shape.
I have been using a 5mm Z axis/spindle mount with a Kress on my Xcarve for a while. It seems perfectly strong enough, and I just made it with a chop saw and a drill press.
If you look at my build thread you can see a couple of pictures
I’m, so far, really happy with my 5mm aluminum plate and the spindle and can recommend it. I’m currently using a second, modified version that works almost exactly like Sebastian’s above – with the mount between the bottom and middle. The only thing left is something to ensure the Spindle stays straight on the X-axis. This is not a big problem, so far I solve it with a spacer and zip ties around the top of the spindle (which works, but doesn’t look good). Best would be a second holder that goes around the chassis of the Kress spindle to hold the spindle in place so it can’t vibrate in X direction anymore. I’m going to make an enhanced version of the mount within the next months and keep you updated.