So i just engraved a sign that didnt have a whole lot of detail to it and it turned out pretty good, considering i just used a 1/4" upcut (only bit for the job that i have at the moment).
So my question is, when or why should i get V Carve? For higher detailed signs?
Second question, what bit shouldve i used for this sign? -see picture- I’d like to get an idea of what bits to buy for simpler engravings like this one until i can get V Carve.
and yeah the new Easel Pro has a v-engraving feature
and basically imo v-engraving is a style of routing that allows you to do prismatic engravings and small lettering with 1 tool
in the sign that you made there that is 2D pocket relief style carving and you can get just as complex with it you really wanted to by adding layer upon layer
so really its just another look either one has there advantages and disadvantages