SolidCAM -> Easel Post Processor?

Hi all.
I work with solidcam, and try to do gcod with awae 1000 fanuc and with gmilling 3x that also makes fanuc and esel does not accept any of these gcod.
if someone works with solidcam and can help me I will be very grateful

Why would Easel be required as a gcode sender in this case?

I would take a look at what post processors (PP) that are available for SolidCAM -> Gcode sender of your choice.
If SolidCAM dont have a PP for Easel then you need to use a different sender with its appropriate PP.

Thanks for answering.
this is the list of pp that solidcam offers me.
Do you know what can work? I have sense that with fanuc but it seems that no.
Thank you


No idea, I have edited your thread title to reflect the issue more clearly as I understand it. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will reply.

A PP is basically a translation script between CAM and CNC machine controller, it can be tailored.
Wether such a PP exist I have no idea.