Post Processor Addition?

Anyone use Easel for machines that require a post processor for the g-code? I’ve used a GRBL machine for a few years now but recently purchased a used Multicam. The nc files generated in Easel won’t load directly into the Multicam machine w/out being processed through a post (all new to me). I want to continue to use Easel but I don’t know if there are stand alone post processor software for converting the files. Thanks!

I wonder if you can use a generic Fanuc type post processor. I did my first Easel gcode today and ran it on UGS. I didn’t see anything that a generic machine couldn’t handle in the Gcode. I’m not doing anything fancy though, like turning a spindle on or off though.

I am using UGS w/ the Easel gcode also but w/ my GRBL machine. I’m new to post processors, just been reading up on them past past few days. UGS doesn’t have post processor capability does it? I’ve found a few places on the web having Multicam post files but I don’t know where/how to use them. Any guidance? Thanks.

I’m using the stable 2015 classic version of UGS. The Cam program is the one with the post processor. When I use Cambam or Meshcam, it is set to Mach3 or Fanuc, Older cnc machines and more generic in nature.