Probe broke bit z axes didn't stop while in probe mode

the x carver did not stop on the probe function and broke the bit everything was fine up to that point. any idea’s why?

What type of bit was it? Although solid carbide bits look like shiny metal they are actually annealed crystals As such they may not conduct well. Also some coatings may also cause issues. If you have a volt meter, you can check the conductivity of the bit.

That said, it is more likely that something isn’t set up right with the probe set up. What most simple touch probes do is check for a completed electrical circuit by clipping one contact to the bit and the other to the touch plate. When the circuit is completed, the Z axis stops. Frequently it backs up a tiny bit and slowly reproaches the touch plate again to get a more precise reading. If any part of the circuit is not complete (such as the touch plate is not connected or the clip is not on the bit or the bit doesn’t conduct well) the circuit will not complete and the Z will keep moving, unaware that it is driving the bit into the touch plate.

Some higher end machines like the CAMmaster Stinger actually push the bit down on a button. The advantage is you don’t have to clip onto the bit or trust that the bit will conduct well.

What software were you using to probe with?

If using Easel to probe, the system tests connectivity. Were you probing in Easel when this occurred?

i appreciate the response, however i have used that bit several times as well as other made by the same company in the same fashion with success. the conductivity should have been ok because there is a conductivity test that if failed will not allow the probe to continue. i’m still puzzled, i reset the machine and it worked fine


i was using

I assume it gave you the green light when you touched the touch plate to the bit?


Have you been idle/down for the last 14 days?
If Easel gave you the green light when you touched the brass to the bit I have to assume that after that there was a wiring disconnect so the controller did not detect the contact during probe function.

no we have not been down i believe that the contact between the lead and the brass plate was lost in the process of touching the probe to the brass plate. i would suggest a soldered connection between the brass probe and the wire lead. the only thing missing now is finding out how to do 3d carves verses just engraving. we have found no guidance in this area. the apps section gives little or no guidance on how to use the apps

Let Inventables know and they’ll replace it. There’s a little copper rod inside the connection and it kept falling out. They sent out a replacement and they’ve actually updated the whole product

a soldering iron and some solder works well to

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