Tried it again @StewartAllen and on a roughing pass I’m still seeing plunge rates in excess of the requested 500mm/min.
@IanWatkins do you mind sending me your model and all of your settings so I can duplicate here?
My first try / export of g-code to easy from kiri:moto… I must admit that I am VERY impressed with this tool, specially since I didn’t know what I was doing
Bravo @StewartAllen !!
Tried a file, downloaded as SVG, but it was a blank document.
@TonyNo did it display properly before the download?
Z-plunge corner case fixed. Thanks for the help finding it!
That’s done the trick, thanks @StewartAllen
Found it, but the scale is off (looks like pixels vs mm).
You would also need to add overcuts, or radii to corners.
I’m completely new, I’m still weeks out from receiving my machine, but I’ve been following this thread and it looks like the tool you’ve created is great. I may have missed it but do you plan on adding tiling to allow for longer cuts? My apologies if I’ve missed this somehow.
@TonyNo SVG scale is 1px == 1mm. DXF scale is in mm. true enough about corners (for drag knives). will think about how to best implement that.
@WesKerr are you asking if Kiri will cut an STL into individually millable tiles (no) or if you will be able to place multiple objects on the table (yes, soon).
I was curious about millable tiles. Thanks
@WesKerr is this a common use case?
I’m new, but this seems to be the only way to mill anything longer than the 31 inches or so without heavily modifying the x-carve. Thanks for the responsiveness that you’ve shown me and others on this thread. The work is impressive.
Thanks @WesKerr. Sorry I don’t have a better answer. The only thing I can think is to import the STL into Onshape and use planes to split the part into individually millable pieces.
When I import different 3d file formats, they load in Meta:Moto in the side bar list. Even my modo (not moto) .lxo files import, but I can’t load them in the viewport area. I’ve tried obj, dae, dxf, and like I mentioned lxo. What am I doing wrong, or what file format do I need to have to make this work? Thanks!
P.S. Put a donate button somewhere on your website! I’m sure we’d all pitch in, this is an awesome tool!
Hi @EddieAdolf. Kiri:Moto and Meta:Moto only support STL at the moment. It’s an error if Meta:Moto allows you to load anything else (I’ll check on that now). Also, Meta:Moto does not support drag and drop to the viewport area. Only Kiri:Moto does that. What are you working on? Building a block model (Meta) or slicing for CAM or 3d Printing (Kiri)
I’m surprised this topic went dormant. I’ve been wanting to use OpenSCAD for awhile now to design my CNC parts. Just discovered Kiri:Moto at Kiri:Moto and love it. It reads my OpenSCAD STL files properly and has exactly the options I want to chose between facing, finishing and pocketing.
Aren’t more people using this tool? If not, why?
Thanks @StewartAllen for the great tool. I’m working on my next project while travelling on business and using a Chromebook with and Kiri.
Thanks @RogerAndre! I don’t know why … but it’s always great to have more people using it. I’m pushing new code 2-4 times a week. I’m in the middle of a “process” refactor that will allow you to store and retrieve as many different process settings as you want.