Has anyone used CAMLab for 3D Relief Carvings? I guess the software is still in Alpha stage, but it looks promising. Although in my initial attempts at using it I crashed the browser a few times before i could export the gcode.
If anyone has used it, I’d like to hear what you think about it.
Tomas Sanladerer interviewed a fellow at MRRF who claimed to be the developer behind CAMLab. You can look for Thomas’s video on YouTube. It was a few days ago.
This does sound interesting. I may have to give this a try. Personally, I use VCarve Desktop.
It is from a young company out of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Sienci Labs
They just released a new CNC aimed at the entry level. Really good looking design.
I haven’t tried the software yet, but I am hoping to.
I had my students use Kiri:Moto a couple of years ago to generate gcode for their 3D designs (we use Autodesk Inventor). It ended up being unusable because of a bug that plunged the Z to full depth before starting (going off my memory from two years ago).
I’ve wanted to get back to it since, but haven’t had a chance.