Been drooling over the new wide makerslide made by Inventables to upgrade the X gantry on my small xcarve machine. Found the shipping from US to Norway to be quite nasty with the current currency exchange rates so I started looking for an alternate supplier…
Came across this store. Shipping from the UK should be cheaper: http://amberspyglass.co.uk
Was dissapointed when they did not have the wide makerslide. But then my eyes drifted to this link:
No t-slots, you’d have to drill/tap to mount anything to it. No internal structure so it’s not going to be as strong as say 80/20 (or Bosch Rexroth or Robotunits - both European manufacturers).
@Ebr good find. They also sell 2m long Makerslide all manufactured in the UK. This is brillaint for me and my plans to increase my x carve size. The mega-rail stuff does look interesting,
@DavidAnnetta — Megarail is a different extrusion than the Shapeoko 3 — something developed in parallel / afterwards when the SO3 when to an NC license.
@Ebr — that image is from an April Fool’s Day announcement — the smaller and larger sizes don’t actually exist.
Catalin Voinescu is a long-standing member of the Shapeoko community (the X-Carve was forked from the Shapeoko 2) and is a genuinely nice guy and incredibly knowledgeable and well-educated who has shared a lot of information, making the wiki ( Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable ) a far better resource. It’s really a shame the community continues to fragment into different enclaves…