Hello guys
For the past few days i was searching for makerslides in cheap prices across the globe, the lowest i could find is from inventables around 20$ per meter. I contacted with some aluminum firms asked them about makerslides but no one produces it. They can make customized profiles if I order in bulk. The country where i am living has low labor costs and things which are manufactured here are relatively cheap. I am planning to order in bulk and sell online. It would be around 8$ per meter. What do you think ? Any thoughts ?
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if you were in place of me ? would you like to take this initiative ?
I believe he meant the reputation of the manufacturer. Not you as a seller
If I was to make a new maker slide I would make the wide maker slide profile and make it in longer length than what is offered. as shown on this link you can only get it at a max length of 1000 mm.
would love to have some that could make a machine that could fit a standard 4X8 foot board.
EDIT: I would use this on the Y and X axis.
great idea Kenneth, but i will have to invest more, well, i’ll consider it too
makerslide is open source and design by Barton Dringm, its not the proprietary of inventables.
Its a good idea dear i m also searching it in pak but cant find i will buy it from u.
Can I have your contact number ?
wonder what the dimensions of this stuff is cause i like

Lol I just want the rail for a x axis
Imagine that Oh well not gonna do me any good anyhow with the next cnc build.
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