Does anyone have some pictures of the drag chain on the side and the top. The top one
looks right but the side one doesn’t.
Im looking around for some pictures showing a side view of the drag chain on the side.
He has it going over the top of the stepper motor and will rub on the top of the stepper
motor looks like. This is the drag chain along the side of the table.
Looks like the drag chain should hook to the other side then it would be under the the stepper
motor or on the the one side of it. Im looking for some pictures of how it should be.
Thanks, I guess this is why this guy gave up, didn’t have it put together right:)
I thought something didn’t look right. Yea looks like I have to reverse the ends.
I will have to take the wiring all out and do it all over on the side one. The top looks ok.
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I am not sure you even have to rewire this. You might be able to just remove the last links in the drag chain on both sides, rotate the chain around how it is supposed to go and reclip the links back on… Might be worth a try.
The way I removed these end links was to take the flat end micro screwdriver that came with the xcarve and using that to pry open the clips a little and then it popped off fairly easily.