Guitar bottle opener bases

Just bought the Les Paul and the Pencil Models…unless I screwed up the shopping cart again lol.


Dang-it, I need to start just directly depositing some of my paycheck into a Phil account!! Nice job Phil.

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I always feel bad that my waste board looks like the shadows of hiroshima with all the carve through of past projects…Phils wasteboard in the background eases my soul a little lol

also, on topic…I’m carving one this morning, (the updated model) so I’ll post a pic to show how bad I pooched up Phils work lol.

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alright lets try this out…my second 3D carve ever

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Not too shabby.

This is done with the V2 model BTW

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excuse the crap lighting

my wife took over…much better pic of the guitar I suck at product pics lol …Excellent model Phil…it’s so cool.



another one…done with Black stain and a hammered copper bottle opener…I sanded the dials and string screws so they stood out a bit more as well.


dang it… I need vcarve so I can buy all Phil’s stuff… that looks great!