I was off of work that past week and had some time to get use to the X-Carve. I thought I would take a few pictures and share them on the forum.

I was off of work that past week and had some time to get use to the X-Carve. I thought I would take a few pictures and share them on the forum.
Everything looks nice you did a good job.
Thanks Wayne
Outstanding job! These look great
They are awesome I need to make some push sticks like yours my old hand cut ones are shot!
That V carve looks really sharp.
Thanks Phillip. I watched you video on the growth chart for some helpful pointers.
I will upload the design when I get home. I always wanted to get a push stick with the end of a hand saw so I drew one up and cut it out. It works great and since it long it holds down the piece when you’re cutting it.
Thanks Mark, I’m gonna try more carving in wood with the V bit
What font did you use for the V carve name sign?
Lavanderia, its the script font in Easel. I used one of my free days to carve it.
Awesome thanks you!
good projects!
I engraved a speckled trout in a piece of Omega-bond (aluminum face with plastic core) using a 90 degree bit, the results weren’t great. Then I used a .375 straight bit and it worked good.
I love the look of the trout and am very curious about the Omega Bond and how one sources it? Google turns up almost too many sources and options, so I’m curious if you have any tips or hints to go online or who to call locally.
I’m very active in my Trout Unlimited chapter and donate carved stuff for auctions, etc. so this looks very interesting to me.
Hi Drew,
Thanks, I’m able to purchase my Omega Bond locally, where do you live? Reece Supply Company is where I get it from. I did that trout years ago for a buddies boat in vinyl and was wondering how it would look on the omega bond so I gave it a try. It would probably look better if I use a straight bit on the trout. Still new to the XCarve and playing around with different materials. If you want the trout I can send it to you.
I live in Louisiana