I cannot seem to figure out how to generate a g-code file from my project. The only option is to Carve, which as it turns out, doesn’t work well with Easel.
How to I save a G-Code file?
Bless y’all!
I cannot seem to figure out how to generate a g-code file from my project. The only option is to Carve, which as it turns out, doesn’t work well with Easel.
How to I save a G-Code file?
Bless y’all!
If you want to export your Gcolde do this from Easel…
Click on the “machine” tab.
At the bottom, of the window it opens click “advanced”
You will then see a blue button that reads “Generate g-code” click on that and your Gcode will be generated.
Next a green button will appear that says “Export g-code” Click that and your project’s Gcode will come down to your PC with a .nc extension.
I use the technique to run Easel created Gcode on some of my CNCs that cannot be directly controlled by Easel.
Thank you, Harry! I would never have thought to look there.
I am generating G-Code because doesn’t seem that I can use easel straight with the Bob’s E4. But then I read stuff that says yes you can. There’s a lot to wade through here and I am grateful for any help along the way!
Go to machine, click on advanced lower right of box that popped up when you selected machine/ advanced. click on generate gcode then click on download gcode.
or see Harry’s post . Sorry for the redundant post. I suspect Harry types faster than me.
Thanks! Yep, I figured that out, but never would have thought to look for it there.
Looks like you’re trying to open the gcode.
What program do you want to open it in?
I wasn’t actually trying to open it just export it but kept getting that error. Finally was able to save into Note pad then import in UGS. Not sure why Easel won’t let you export a gcode file directly?
You should be able to export without issue. Maybe a setting on your Windows PC that tried to automatically open the file downloaded.