Has anyone been exporting the G code with Easel Pro?
Yes, I use Easel for design work then export my gcode to CNCjs to run the carving.
how do you export the gcode in easel?? I havev been trying to find the export button but can not… What am missing?
Machine–>Advanced–>Generate Gcode
This has been changed…see my post HERE.
cool thanks I think I just saw that thank you
I have seen many posts telling me how to export G code, However has anyone tried this in 2022 I think they may have changed it I cant find "advanced " in my machine Tab. this is a screen shot of what I get and I have the subscription.
Check my recent post here.
Thanks for the response , can you still export gcode and do you know how to do it?
Click the link in my last reply.
thanks so much …a lot to learn, I just got this for christmas …loving it so far !