Dog bone editing

I’m trying to make a box using the box app. the app adjusts for changes in size, but I want to use .25" material and it is set for .5". The design does not change as you change the material from .5 to .25 material. I have spent the last hour editing the design for .25" material only to end up with the final piece, the bottom, and it has dogbone corners I need to move. How do I do that? I see how to add dogboes, but can you take them away, edit and readd?

Build a vertical table into your machine, It comes in handy for all sorts of joinery, & you no longer have to put up with “dogbones”

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Firstly, if you choose the material prior to importing the box app, the app actually does adjust everything for that material. (only 4 hours of editing down the drain!) What is a verticle table?

BTW, thanks for getting back to me, Anthony!

@WilliamJohnWalker If you goggle woodworking CNC vertical table you will see all sorts of variations. I always knew it would be needed so designed and built mine. Actually used my first spoilboard, cut it to the size needed for vertical, fixed it in place & never looked back. Only use it once in a while but it is amazing what you can do with one.

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