Cassette Coffee Table

Hello fellow Inventalites…

I wanted to share this table I made that heavily used the x-carve for many of the pieces. All hardwood, a bit of glass and some acrylic. Started it in February between film projects, then got busy, so mostly just weekends here and there… but I made two of them at the same time, sold one… thinking of selling the second… not sure yet. Anyway… the xcarve worked like a charm and didn’t destroy a single piece of wood (I wasn’t always this fortunate… see : Was about to sell the X-Carve... when ) However… she’s working like a charm and I’m sort of at that “it always just works” stage of the relationship… like I am with my fave pair of scissors.

Anyway… if I’ve learnt one thing, people don’t like text… they hate text… they prefer pictures… so here you go…

Oh… just some more text quick… made from Walnut, Maple, Oak, Poplar, Purple Heart (for the tape if you look closely inside the center panel) and Fir. The top is custom cut 10mm glass with bevelled edges, and the inside has bluetooth speakers so I can play music from it. The front is magnetically connected so you can remove and store things inside. Let me know your opinions… (no I didn’t make a giant pencil!!!)

and finally a little video of the front if it’s not too big…



That is beautiful!

That is very impressive!

Looks like you did a very nice job. If i was a teacher i would give you an A+

Thanks @ErikJenkins !

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Cheers @AllenMassey by the time you finish something like this, there is a very strong love/hate relationship…

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@WayneHall That would be the first time I ever got one of those!!!

I completly understand and that is probably one reason i am not a teacher. You did a wonderful job.

Well done and thanks for sharing. Very inspiring.


Really nice. Did you make a giant pencil?
And if you could what would you record on it?

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lol! I had to think for a second.

2000 kids probably don’t even understand the reference :wink:


Stunning work! Nice job, @MarkBreakspear

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I took me a while to get the pencil reference, that is funny.
You know I can’t remember the last time I saw a string of tape along side the road. It used to be frequent.

My car still has a cassette deck. That’s an awesome table. Way to stick with it. :+1:t2: