Finally up and carving! Six weeks seemed like forever to get my new x-carve, but it gave me time to design and build my table. It has a pull out draw for my laptop, which is networked to my (air conditioned) office where I do all the layout and design work. Tool and bit storage drawer. Vac system & boot which is height adjustable, made from Plexiglas. I am amazed how well it works. No dust anywhere! Mounted all electrical on shelf so would be out of dust (but there isn’t any) and wired in e-stop switch which shuts off power supply and router. Actually I’m glad it took so long to arrive , because it gave me time to learn a few software programs (easel, f-engrave & UGC) and plan a lot of details I probably would have over looked other wise. I was a graphic designer for 15 yrs which helped in my design work, but g-code is a totally different animal. So far I have had zero problems and have carved cam hold downs, Z axis knob, signs, coaster and experimented using v-bits. Thank you to Inventables and their great instructions and to all the forum members and their great posts. You are the best! With out you, I would still be in a fog as what to do. Thank you again! Now to make some more saw dust!!!
Looking perfect. Beautiful. Great job. Happy carving.
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Thanks Alan. Thanks for all your great posts and help on the forum.
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Wow! What a great setup.
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Very nice! Well done!
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Thanks Larry, and now the fun (saw dust as my wife calls it) begins!
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Way cool setup!
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That’s a super clean setup, Jeff! Great job! I’m jealous of how neat and organized you are! The work is looking great…keep it up!
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