I purchased one and like it but have a few questions. Please contact me if anyone uses it. thanks
Feel free to ask your questions here - someone else down the line might seek similar information
As @HaldorLonningdal says, ask away. There’s not much to a probe.
How do I use it inplace of the standard probe from xcarve.
You’ll need to make your own connections. Do you have the X-controller?
Have you read this?
If you want it to plug in like the one from Inventables, you’ll need to add a mating connector to the end of your probe and ground wires. The third wire should connect to +5v.
Is it just me or did they make that thing unnecessarily complicated?
I still like my Triquetra. Simple and it works.
Just getting back to try and use my xcarve again. Been working contracts so. I can get the probe to do the XYZ probe but if easel is open I get a com error. so I close easel and it works fine. But then if I close openbuilds controller I lose my Z position? Ant way around this issue. Thanks in advance