Hello all, Looking to get some assistance. I have one of the original X-carve units with the Arduino, no X-controller. I had moved and had the unit dissembled in storage for a few years. I have it set back up, and functional now, however I went to setup my Z probe again, and with the new updates in Easel software the configuration seems much simpler now, but I can not get it to recognize my probe. I have a wire going from A5 to the touch plate, and a ground going to an alligator clip to connect to the spindle. I have been searching the forums, and messing with this for a few hours and con not figure it out. I just removed the Arduino and verified I have continuity from the board to the touch plate, and I have also checked continuity from the collet alligator clip to the ground on the power supply. Here are my GRBL setting, and I am on GRBL 1.1g. If I go into configure the Z probe it shows plug leads into the carriage, but this was prior to the carriage option. “Probe not connected”. I have tried changing the $6=1, and it then shows not connected, and allows me to go into the probe configuration, it shows probe connected, and allows me to click confirm, but does not change status when touching the plate to the bit. Also there is no settings for size of the touch plate. Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.
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Okay, so I figured out my issue. In case anyone runs into this in the future, or I do again, the issue was when I made my solder joint to the wire connecting to the A5 pin on the Arduino years ago, I covered the bottom with hot glue to act as an isolation for the stand off it sits on. After inspection I found that the A5 pin was grounded, and I then found an area were the hot glue rubbed through and grounded to the stand off when the USB was connected to the Arduino. I cleaned the connection, and applied some new hot glue, and it worked perfectly.
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