I just assembled my new xcarve and was doing the tests in Easel. Z works fine, and X works fine as well, but my Y axis is not working correctly. The motors are turning in opposite directions, so it doesn’t move properly and things slip and stutter.
I’m not sure what’s going on here. I checked all the wiring and its done as shown in the images in the instructions. red to red, white to blue, green to green, black to black all around. I also checked the leads that hook up to the gshield and they are wired as showin in the instrux as well.
OK this whole red white wire reversal on one side thing needs to be in the instruction. I had a feeling polarity on one side was the issue but nowhere in the instrux does t mention this that i saw while assembling.
anyway i’m good now. Hope this helps dsomebody else.
Take the shortest length of stepper cable and wire it to the terminal block on the right Y-Plate. Match red to red, white to blue, green to green and black to black.
It’s in there. Probably got excited that you were almost done, and missed it. Easy fix.
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B.T.D.T. Been there done that.
Most likely, you overlooked the wire flip between the motors, I know I did.
The motors are polarity specific, ie; wired one way the turn in one direction, wired the other, well you get the picture.
Heres another one or two to confuse you a bit more…
Take the shortest length of stepper cable and wire it to the terminal block on the right Y-Plate. Match red to red, white to blue, green to green and black to black.
When you get the end through the same hole on the left Y-Plate strip it as before. Now you’ll twist these wires with the left Y-Motor wires. Twist them as follows: red to white, blue to red, green to green, and black to black. Insert them into the terminal block one pair at a time. When you’re done your left Y-Plate should look like this:

yep, i totally missed it. I ended up figuring it out and my machine is running great now, but this was very easily missed in my opinion and maybe needs more attention drawn to it in the instructions.
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