X & Z Homing not working, Z not moving during a carve

Hey everyone, I ordered my new 1000mm X-Carve about 2 weeks ago and it arrived towards the middle of last week. I took the entire weekend to assemble it carefully, using the detailed instructions on this website as well as referencing some videos. I felt that the assembly process went really smooth and had no issues.

I powered the machine on and did some calibration to ensure that it’s all moving smoothly and from what I am seeing, I couldn’t be happier with how it moves after the adjustments I made. I eventually got to the steps to set up my machine in Easle and this is where two of my problems are occurring.

  1. I noticed that the homing switches were not working properly when I got to the setup for those. I spoke to an Inventibles rep on the phone and he guided me through the Machine inspector (In Easle, Machine → Advanced → Machine Inspector). I tested the 3 front-panel buttons here and they light up green. I tested each homing switch and the Y-Axis homing switch lights up green, but the Z and X do not. I was told by the rep to inspect the wiring and make sure that I have them plugged in correctly and from what I am seeing in the directions, they look to be right. The Y is wired the same as the Z and X and it works. Attached below are photos of the homing switch wiring. Is anyone able to see anything that I did wrong?

  1. The second problem I’m having is that when I attempt my first test carve (you know, the little box that is waving), I go through the steps to zero with the Z-probe and then I zero X and Y. When I press the Carve button, the machine replicates the paths that it shows me on the computer screen, but the problem is that it does not attempt to move the router up and down at all. I’ll include a video below to the test carve, so you can see what’s happening.

The Z-Axis moves smoothly when I am jogging the machine and when it’s probing to the Z-Probe. But when it’s time to carve, it makes no attempts to even move.

Video of the test carve here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mf8EnRuJUY&feature=youtu.be

Is anyone able to give me any pointers on either of these issues? Thanks in advance!

Hello Ang,
Welcome to the forum.
Not a question that you asked but your bit isn’t installed correctly, make sure that it is inserted into the collet all the way to the blue band and tighten.

*When you’re using the Z probe does the bit go down touch the brass plate and then go back up?

In your video I can see the Z axis motor spinning the belt but the router isn’t moving up and down, do you have the sprocket tight?


Hey Russel, thanks for the response. Regarding the bit, yeah I had just tossed it in there because I was in a little bit of a hurry and I knew it wasn’t going to actually carve, but that isn’t how I normally install them.

But to answer your other question, it does go down to touch the Z Probe and when I jog it up and down, it moves fine also. I just recoded a short video clip showing that, in case that is helpful. The sprocket it as tight as I can make it.

That’s definitely a problem, it should contact the Z probe in about 2 seconds. Something is not installed correctly or is not working correctly. Have you changed any of the advanced settings in Easel? The stepper motor is turning very slow.
Someone with more knowledge of the electronics will be able to tell you whats going on.

3 people I could think of that use this forum
Thank You

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I can’t say that I have. I’ve tried to stay away from the advanced settings until I get a better understanding of the system. So far, the only things I’ve done is what was instructed in the assembly documentation and what the rep on the phone walked me through.

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The stepper motor is definitely turning to slow, I tagged a few people that may be able to help

Can you copy and paste your settings here?

I’d be happy to, but forgive me - can you tell me where I would find those at?

Edit: Actually, I think this is what you’re looking for?


Ok go back to the box at the top and type in $122=300 and hit enter. Then type in $$ and hit enter and see if the $122 changed. Then try it again and see what happens.

Hmmmm, Wayne when I said
“Someone with more knowledge of the electronics will be able to tell you whats going on.”
I didn’t think of you. :flushed: :grinning: :joy: :joy:

I am for sure no brain but Neil is a good teacher and i have learned alot from him. Just hope i am going in the right direction.


It looks like you are.
Is the $122 wrong?
If so and that’s the Z axis then that would have something to do with it

The stock setting is 300 so at 50 it would be moving very slow.

After that change, this is what it’s looking like:


Attempted the test carve and nothing has changed. It does not make any effort at all to move the Z when carving.

Well maybe turn everything off and start it back up. That should have speede the z up. Are you sure the z axes turns free and is not binding?

Turned it off and back on, still seeing the same results.

If it was bindings, I would imagine I’d hear the machine try and move the Z and make a grinding noise, but it does not do that. When I jog the Z up and down manually, it moves smoothly, so I don’t know if that answers the binding question.

Well i am out of ideas i tried. Your going to have to wait on the teachers or call inventables.

Appreciate the time you’ve spent trying to help, Wayne, & Russell!


Check your dip switches in the X-Controller. They should match this (but 4 should be off)

Also, your $100 & $101 (X&Y Steps/mm) look off from a standard X-Carve.

When that’s all ok, make sure to check your Advanced Settings while setting up your Probe (during Machine Setup). to ensure that they are accurate.