Hi guys,
I k now there a some threads about this problem, but none solved mine.
I lose connection in the middle of a carve, the button “carve” in Easel turns blue. Then i have to unplug the USB and replug it.
I bought an powered USB hub and a new USB Cable, but it’s still the same. Completely new circuit for the X Carve and its components. USB ernergy saving is turned off. I even tried to use it without internet connection.
The strange thing is, some projects works fine. I made a design which I use several times a week without any trouble. I cant imagine my (hardware) problem is caused by a broken file?!
Maybe someone has the same problem and was able to fix it.
Kind regards and have a great day
USB-port power management checked?
Yes, energy saving ist turned off.
Dewalt 611? Long run time, RPM setting?
Checked its brushes?
Fluorescent lighting in the room?
However - when I have had RF noise causing interrupts my Carve button go blue, then come back on again. Not sure RF-noise would cause the USB port to freeze though…?
Dewalt 26204 (230V 611 Version), I renewed the brushes about 2 month ago. 30 in/min, about 30min carve
I do have fluorescent lighting, but they have been there all the years. I installed a new circuit exclusively for the X Carve and its components, still got problems. Very frustrating :-/
Absolutely, I can kill my USB-connection when I turn my lighting off (DIY Ardunio controller)
But I have only one circuit available for my room.
What RPM setting do you use most frequently?
I carve at about 18000 RPM, its number 2 at the routers selction wheel
BTW - have you tried bypassing the front panel USB-plug?
You need a MiniUSB to connect directly onto the board IIRC.
I run a Makita and at higher RPM (>22k) I get random disconnects also, so RPM may play a role if its RF-noise related.
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I summarized my experience with this here.
Two question at first:
- are yousure about the power management? The usb root hub is a separate option and not part of the general power management settings
- did you try bypassing the USB bulkhead of the controller?
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Guys, thank you very much!
The front USB might have been the problem. I connectect it directly to the board, now it seems wto work since, the last 3 carvings had no interrupt.
But as I unmounted the X-Controller case, there was a huge dust cover on the board, which might also causing trouble. @DominikMai maybe you should add this to your great list in the link
If you guys ever visit northern Germany, beer is on me! @DominikMai @HaldorLonningdal
I’m glad it worked!
I’ll hold you to that, greetings from Saarland 
Make sure all the connections are tight. I had my red wire to the touch sensor come loose and it stopped the carve.
What windows is your computer running?
Win 10
But as mentioned, i fixed the problem already 
I just thought if I say something, I will also qualify for beers in Germany 
We are a community, feel free to pick up your beer 
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