I know what I will be doing this weekend…
I know what I will be doing this weekend…
awesome! will you be sharing photos once built?
Congrats! Mine shipped on Wednesday and has been in transit for Hodgkins, IL ever yesterday morning with no new scans or an estimated arrival time. How long did yours take to arrive?
Walked out of a movie at about 11pm last night and checked my phone…text from wife with pics of giant boxes and “what the ** did you order now??”
Didn’t even get a shipping email, but no complaints! Amazing the original plan was to ship 30 April (starting), I didn’t order until 27 Mar or so, but here it was on 1 May!
Now I have to get other projects out of the way to unpack, I was sincerely not expecting it yet.
The long box for the extrusion rails (I got the 1m unit) looks a little bent; hopefully that’s just the packing material. Assume it would take a bit of effort to bend the rails themselves.
Not much for build logs or anything but I’ll definitely take pics when done (and be a pest looking for advice with first projects).
Wait? You ordered March 27?
Oops…I’m a dork. March 5th. Originally a 500mm but then changed my mind and asked them to revise to the 1m size late March. I looked at the wrong email when I posted earlier.
Sorry if I made anyone think the shipping was going out of order.
No your good,just got my exitement meter going crazy
Still, I know incorrect info like that can hurt the company’s customer service dept (cause mischief) and I really am sorry.
But not as sorry as I am that I just wasn’t ready for it yet! Everyone else is on pins and needles and I’m all “oh crap I need to get this and this and this finished and out of the way before I can start assembly” so it’s going to be sitting in boxes for at least a couple weeks. I have like 60 board feet of mesquite I’ve got to run thru a planer – after I finish replacing and realigning the planer knives – before I clear off the area I designated for the big X. Timing was supposed to be finish desk project, then the X arrives, build, then use to machine mods for new computer build. Sigh.
I’m in the same boat Richard. I need to do a lot of re-organizing in the shop to make room for the upgrade to the 1000m size. All I’ve had time to do so far is a bit of knolling and daydreaming…
@TravisLucia I don’t to give you a heart attack or anything but I looked up your shipment and it says on UPS.com that both of your packages are scheduled to arrive early. It looks like the wizards over at Hodgkins did something special for you. Details below. I don’t want to post your tracking number on the forum for privacy concerns but you can grab it off the email or in your Inventables account to confirm the information they are showing.
Package #1 - X-Carve Core Components
Scheduled For Early Delivery On:
Monday, 05/04/2015, By End of Day
Originally Scheduled For Delivery On:
Wednesday, 05/06/2015, By End of Day
Package #2 Rail Kit
Scheduled For Early Delivery On:
Monday, 05/04/2015, By End of Day
Originally Scheduled For Delivery On:
Wednesday, 05/06/2015, By End of Day
Thanks so much for looking into this! I gave them a call on Friday morning and they updated me finally! Im very excited for it to arrive tomorrow! May the forth be with me!