X-Carve 1000x1000 with workbench for Sale (Atlanta Area - Kennesaw)

I am selling my fully assembled 1000mm X-Carve. The unit probably has been used about 20 hours max. Everything works great except I broke off one of the limit switches. They are pretty much useless anyway, and you will find that other people agree in the forums. The reason for selling is that we thought we would use this for a side business, but with two kids under 4, we just haven’t had the time. Also included is the workbench that I built specifically for the X-Carve (see picture), although I don’t mind selling just the x-carve. I think it is a great deal on the bench though, which would save you hours rather than building your own. I am only asking cost of materials for it. Please check out the descriptions and original and asking prices below and let me know if you have any questions. Some pictures of the machine and some work we did with are posted as well. Keep in mind that shipping from Inventables was $194. Also, this unit is fully assembled, which took me about 18 hours of labor. If you are interested, I will send you my address and you can come see it operate and then take it away.


  1. X-Carve®
    CNC Machine | X-Carve CNC – Inventables, Inc.
    X-Carve 1000mm Rail Kit
    X-Carve ACME Lead Screw Kit
    X-Carve 1000mm Waste Board Kit
    X-Carve NEMA 23 Stepper Motor Kit
    X-Carve DeWalt 611 Spindle and Mount
    X-Carve Arduino/gShield Motion Controller Kit
    X-Carve Power Supply Kit
    X-Carve 1000mm Wiring Kit
    X-Carve 1000mm Drag Chain Kit
    X-Carve Limit Switch Kit
    1/8" Precision Collet Kit for DeWalt 611
    X-Carve Clamp Set
    High Speed Steel 2 Flute Upcut Spiral
    Solid Carbide 2 Flute Spiral Upcut (Ball Nose End)
    Original Unit price: $1,432.90
    Qty: 1

  2. Solid Carbide Engraving Bit - 30499-01
    Description: Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Cutting Diameter: 0.01 in, Type: Engraving Bits, Cutting Material: Plastic, Cutting Material: Wood, Cutting Material: Linoleum
    Original Unit price: $2.00
    Qty: 1

  3. Double Flute 1/8" Straight bit from Lowes. I used this most of the time, great for cutting plywood and MDF.
    Original Unit price: ~$12.00 (can’t remember exactly)

  4. Workbench (see pictures) with peg board backboard, rolling caster wheels, controller mount, and side mounted surge protector.
    Original Material price: ~$120.00 (can’t remember exactly)

$1300 for X-Carve and Bits
$120 for Workbench

I will not sell workbench without X-Carve. No low-ball offers please. My original order for just the x-carve without the extra bit or work bench was $1,629.55 with shipping, and that was for a completely unassembled unit. You may think you want to buy a new one and assemble it yourself, but it is not fun… trust me.

Minor flaws with this unit:
-Waste board has some screw holes in it, which are barely noticeable. Plus you are going to mess it up anyway, that’s why it’s called the “Waste” board.
-Clamps have a couple of cuts in them from the bit passing over them.
-One limit switch is broken. Could be easily replaced.

1 Like

Hi is this still available?

I would be interested too if still available.

We have decided to keep our machine. TBH, I’m not sure how to delete my post and I don’t have time to figure it out right now.