So there is a overwhelming amount of different approaches to filling in text and objects on cnc routed wooden signs. Im new to woodworking so im lost as to what to use. I hear Oramask is great but sometimes it does work and youre better off sanding the paint. But then theres paint bleeding with certain woods but you can prevent it with poly or clear maybe?? Any recommendations are appreciated im going to home depot after work and loading up. Im still learning on my CNC so im grabbing cheap soft pine but am I better off with MDF to practice??
Was hoping for a step by step process to get me going on a basic sign…
I’ve actually been plowing through a bunch of your videos. They’re all extremely helpful thank you for making them!
So the sealant with the Clear shellac Is it good practice to use on anything you’re going to paint or stain and stuff like that? Pretty new to treating wood to last or look good.
I plan on grabbing some shellac tonight. Do you have any recommendations for spray paint brand or type? And do you have any advice for wood to practice on? I’ve been using really soft pine but I’d like to move on to something a little nicer and harder bI’ve been using really soft pine but I’d like to move on to something a little nicer and harder.
I do mostly sign work in various woods and either paint or resin fill. The sanding sealer is absolutely the best way to go to prevent bleeding. I was using Miniwax poly matte satin and that worked well also.
For the resin fill, you have to sand if you are going flush to the wood surface, so I’ve been able to resin fill and then paint right after, wiping the paint off the resin.
I was using spray paint for some projects but recently switched to using an airbrush with Liquitex paints. Haven’t airbrushed since my college days but the finer control, less over spray, greater color choices and better control has lead me to leave the spray paint cans behind. Also, much easier to sand with light overspray (if any) using the airbrush.
I would like to get an opinion from sign experts. I’ve been asked to design a sign and I’m thinking of something rustic. I would like to have white letters and a green logo made of wood on a natural cedar background. Since the sign is large and will be installed outside, I want to protect the wood and keep its natural color. The sign will be very hot in summer and very cold in winter so I need something that will stand to the elements and not flake off or discolor over time. Polyurethane yellows with time so I was thinking urethane or lacquer on top of de-waxed shellac.