What do you call half an x-carve?

Hello. Bit of a random question, am I assume I have not thought off all the issue with my plan so wanted to ask the community if it would work / things I would need to sort to get it to work.

I have the 1000x1000 machine but I just don’t use it deeper than about 300mm. I was wondering to save space in my workshop could I cut the aluminium extrusion down and re assemble the machine smaller ? I assume would need to set a few setting to account for this ?

Has anyone down this / have any insight into it?

Thanks in advance!

Back in the day they made a lot of 500mm and 750mm machines. Maybe you could find someone to trade with.

You can certainly cut the makerslide down just as easily as swapping out parts. You’ll have to tap for m5 screws in the new cut. My machine is a shapeoko2 expanded to 750 x 1000 xcarve with all the bells and whistles up to the last upgrades.

I’d look for shorter used or new parts in case you want to revert to 1000 x 1000.
Inventables still sells this:

Wide MakerSlide – Inventables, Inc.

MakerSlide - Black Anodize - 5M Tapped – Inventables, Inc.

Open builds sells this stuff to bolt onto regular 2040 or 4040 extrusion. You need low profile screws for it which they also sell. Amazon is a good source for extrusion but beware that some of it has holes that are already drilled a bit larger than 4.2mm dia which is a little harder to find. That’s where Openbuilds is handy.

V-Slot Linear Rails - OpenRail® Linear Rail - OpenBuilds Part Store

Here is the guide tor which settings you’d need to change:


The reason I know all this stuff is I’ve been playing a bit with this stuff. I built a CBeam machine to make plates and I’m just wrapping up a smaller 3 axis router to take up less space in my shed than the X carve. It’ll be 500 x 1000 with round linear rails for the Y axis and openbuilds lead screws and C beams for X and Z.

I was surprised, but not surprised that Inventables got away from the parts business, as I tried to be a loyal customer.

These things are like an erector set for adults if you know what I mean. :-).

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