Looking for a new or used 1000mm x 100mm in Minnesota or a surrounding state. Let me Know… Thank You.
sent you an email on this as well… I am open to whatever really… Let me know what you are looking to get out of it…
HI, are you still selling your system, I’m 8 hours from you. Hebron, Indiana
Hi Scott,
I am selling my 1000mm X-Carve. I got it last summer and I have only carved a few projects. Its in great condition and works fantastic, I just don’t have the time for it that I thought I would. Let me know if you are still looking! I am in Wisconsin near Madison. Thanks!
Good Day Elizabeth
I have found a matching in Duluth. What do you want for your matching? They are asking 1500 with all their upgrades… let me know as their isn’t available for awhile yet
PD I do know of another persons from IL looking for one as well
Hi Scott, sorry for my late response, its been a crazy week. We were originally trying to get 1700 for it, but would could go to 1500 for you. I can email you pictures and more info also!
Hi Elizabeth Costa, is this still for sale, text me imverny@gmail.com
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