Want to buy used X-controller

My Arduino/Grbl shield died and I’m looking for an X-controller replacement.

I don’t have that, but I do have an arduino and couple of gshields laying about.

Thanks, but I want to replace my Nema 17s with Nema 23s and the Arduino doesn’t support the higher voltage requirements.

If you want to go maximum performance vs cost you should really consider:

  • Nema23´s with a low mH-value (more favoured for low voltage systems like 24V)
  • Individual TB6600 drivers (4, one for each stepper)
  • Optionally a 36V PSU

This is a different world power wise.


Should I assume this will work with the Arduino ?

Yes, no issues. The Xcontroller is an Arduino device.

Here is mine, in a nutshell 1x Ardunio UNO, 4 drivers and one PSU.


Know of any step by step guides to do this?

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