I’m still waiting on Vectric to approve my ID on their Forum so this is the only place I have for now… I’m noticing that when I use Vcarve, the initial cut is pretty deep… 1/8 to 3/16" deep and after that point, it seems to step down in shallow increments. Which setting controls that? This is about the only thing left I’m having problems with.
i think (and i could be wrong) tha depth will be relative to the line width initially but i believe there is a setting related to this. perhaps @PhilJohnson will chime in and offer some insight.
So, you are saying to edit the tool rather than the toolpath (yes, I know it ultimately ends up in the toolpath at the very end)? I’ve tried that to a degree, but could probably do a little more in that area as I wasn’t entirely sure that was where I should be doing it at.
I wished there was more control in the material itself. If I were carving foam, I wouldn’t mind the big initial plunge whereas in oak, that would be somewhat of a Banzai charge. If my memory serves me correctly, I was seeing a cutting rate of 100 in/min as default and I wouldn’t wish that rate on my worst tool enemy when working with a hardwood. I’m having to drop those back to 15-20"/min to not strain the equipment. Quite a big difference from 80-100 in/min default in most of the tools.
Yes, you need to set C to your to the desired depth of the tip of the tool. edit the tool itself for the pass cutting depth of each pass. Select your tool then use edit the tool, this way it is only set (feeds,speeds,depth) for that job and not for all jobs.