Hi All,
I am still very new to Easel and to CNCs. How do I use round over bits in Easel Pro. I would like to have a rounded edge to the wood in the photo but confused as to how to set up in Easel.
thanks for any help.
Hi All,
I am still very new to Easel and to CNCs. How do I use round over bits in Easel Pro. I would like to have a rounded edge to the wood in the photo but confused as to how to set up in Easel.
thanks for any help.
Think I have answered my own question. I.e. It is better to use these bits with a handheld router.
I agree. A router table would be faster than trying to cnc it.
That is what i normally do myself. Fillets and rounds could be drawn in 3d.but carving3d is slower than 2.5d at least on my machine
Thanks. Going to give it a go later.
I’ve done it in easel by making a box the same size as my piece, centering that to the material so it’s exactly on the edge, then cut on shape path. Maintaining work zero and such from the previous paths with other bits.
It works, but depending on the size or complexity of your piece, it’s value is case by case.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
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