I am considering upgrading my 24v spindle to the Dwalt 611. I have a few questions. Firstly, can I continue to use the same spindle mount? I see on the Inventables site that there is a Dwalt mount but it looks the same as my 24v mount which is deprecated. Since there’s no more sales page for the 24v spindle I can’t really tell if they are the same.
I think it would be handy to have the attachments to use it as a hand router if I need one. Would buying it from Inventables include that? Also I can’t find the link on the Inventables site to buy just the spindle upgrade.
Is there anything I need to know about upgrading? Is it as simple as replacing the spindle and then using the same process or will I need do make adjustments to the machine or software?
Couldn’t we 3D print a part similar to make the cord exit the top? (If we can design it) Personally, I like the idea of the cord exiting the top. I noticed this the other day in one of his videos. I did not realize that it was a model other than the DWP611 (US version), I just assumed that a part had been 3d printed. (You know what they say about making assumptions.lol) I even tagged the photo for further review, incase I decide to try to 3D print a part for it.
Wish I was talented enough to design this stuff for the 3D printer. My skills are still lacking in that department. Soon, though that will change. Just enrolled back into college and working on a 3D drafting degree. Soon enough, I’ll be designing projects faster than my printer can print them.
The US version of the small Dewalt has the 600 series numbers and the European (certainly UK) numbering scheme is a 26000 series. Apart from the voltage the only other difference that I can spot is that power lead exit at the top.
I think for me it is better as I suspend the power cord and my vacuum hose from a bungee stretched across the ceiling of the workshop. That way the power lead is plugged into my Dust Hub (yes there is a video about it) next to the take-off for the vacuum.
Why would I need to purchase new collets if I upgrade to the 611? Does the 611 that Inventables sells not have a collet for 1/8 shank bits? Those are the only bits I have since they’re all the 24v spindle would accept. Is there a collet somewhere that I could purchase that allows the 611 to accept my bits? Also I cannot figure out how to actually buy the Dwalt 611 along with a mounting bracket (but not the entire X-Carve kit) from Inventables. Anyone know how to do this?
The 611 come with a 1/4 inch collet, if you want to use any of your 1/8 inch shank bits you will need to either purchase a new 1/8 inch 611 collet or purchase a 1/8 inch adapter.
I highly recommend that you purchase the 1/8 inch collet since it will work much better than the adapter.
You can purchase the Dewalt 611 anywhere (I found mine on eBay for $99 new). But you will need to purchase the mounting bracket from Inventables (unless you can make one yourself)