I have been struggling at this for about 4 hours now.
I installed Arduino software.
I select Com port 4
it is reflecting the same in device manager. I changed the baud rate to 115200 as another post said.
I then go into Easel and try and configure the machine and it will not move.
I select serial monitor in the arduino software and that doesnt help either.
Tried changing the port to 20 and no dice.
I was reading something about a hex file to upload it with xloader? I dont know much about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had a similar problem. I got an OLD laptop driving my XC using UGS.
I decided to use easel on it as well so I could do quick design projects on the cut laptop.
But when I installed Easel local the cut laptop it could no longer connect to the controller!
It was still showing up on COM 4 but UGS could not see it nor could Easel.
I uninstalled easel local and UGS started working again.
My guess is there is some kind of COM port sharing conflict with Easel local?
I have not had a chance to troubleshoot it.
I have seen other posts where people had to use a older copy of Easel local for their machine.
It may be worth checking into