After a ton of window shopping on the Inventables store site, reading this forum, watching YouTube videos, more reading and window shopping - the UPS guy should be dropping my X-Carve off today. I have been busy prepping my garage to get a solid workspace setup for the overall build and for the machine itself.
I can’t wait to start getting thing assembled (after even more reading) and applying some of the handy mods I’ve found on while reading this forum. I’m a total newbie to CNC, so I’m going to start small with Easel and see where that takes me.
Now, to remain calm until I hear the big brown truck pull up to the house…
Thank you! My buddy and I over-engineered the heck out of it over several weekends. It started out as a very simple 2x4 and plywood bench, but by the end it became the mammoth structure you see. I wanted something rock solid and durable, and I think we surpassed that.
Here’s a better view in my buddy’s shop:
Oh, I’m looking forward to getting this built! Thankfully, the house isn’t far away, so refreshments, food, and - most importantly for now in Montana - heat are not too far away. I can’t wait to get the garage insulated!
You are certainly ready! You are going to have a great time putting it together. Remember to take a nice picture of yourself and hang it in your living room so your wife won’t forget what you look like.
I started out with every intention on building this bench from plans found on Pintrest:
4x8-workbench.pdf (2.2 MB) - Plans by Jen Woodhouse / The House of Wood
But over the course of a few frosty adult beverages, we modified the crud out of it to end up with what you see in this thread. Mainly, I wanted to put the four leveling feet I had been moving around for a decade into use, so the 2x4 legs were upsized to 4x4s. The bench surface is some fancy-grade plywood with a very smooth finish, that I was given for helping the old mill manager move some things at his home. It’s a very dense ply piece of wood and a great bench top. I can send you some of the assembly photos, if you like.
We used some left over solid stain (the green), Penefin on the legs, and then satin poly to seal up everything. At the very end, we put several glossy coats on the top.
Sweet setup.
I dig the monitor placement and wireless keyboard and mouse!
Plus I spot a First-Aid kit too!
A new First-Aid kit and a fire extinguisher are on my wishlist.