I am considering a purchase of a 1000mm X-Carve setup, and I want to use it mainly to machine custom folding E-Bicycle parts. I have seen several excellent examples of the X-Carve working with wood based materials, but zero videos and tutorials using the X-Carve with Metals. My question is how well does the X-Carve perform using non ferris metals such as T-6 grade Aluminium, or even Magnesium alloy based metal stock ? What is the maximum thickness of stock which can be milled on the X-Carve ? Please advise.
the x-carve will mill aluminum for sure not sure about magnesium alloy though. the maximum thickness is 2.5" and on the 1000mm model you have a cut area of 31" X 31"
Hi Guys:
OK. Thanks. (y) I suggest they put some of those on their front page group. The first thought I had about the X-Carve was Wow ! Can it carve metals like aluminium ? I’m very glad to know it can. With over 2 inches of cutting size, then this will allow me to make my dream ultra-light folding briefcase Electric scooter !
Hi Rusty:
Can you expand upon your comments regarding possible spindle upgrade if working with metals, please ? What is the largest milling bit I may use on the stock spindle ? (Is it 1/4 inch only ?) If so, I would think 1/4 inch would be sufficient for slow passes on Aluminium ? It would also be interesting to note what other metals folks have had good success with ? I’m not so much interested in engraving stuff as I am in actually producing small parts and precision pieces in metal and carbon fibre stock right up to 2 inch thick. Also, sorry, but did not find anymore than the one video showing small Aluminium piece being cut from sheet stock.
You can use up to a 1/4" shank bit in the stock (with the additional purchase of a 1/4" collet), but the stock spindle is a light duty spindle. Milling a lot of aluminium is going to put that spindle through it’s paces and will more than likely wear out quite fast. Using 1/4" bits isn’t the best set up with the stock spindle as well, usually those 1/4" bits are fairly long and with the collet already being a fair distance away from the spindle bearing it can cause a bit of chatter since the bit will more than likely vibrate.
With a upgraded spindle you’ll be able to run longer and faster (depending on your chosen spindle). The stock spindle is 300w (0.4 HP) and two of the most common upgrade are the Dewalt 611 (1-1/4 HP) and a 800w VFD spindle (1 HP).
Don’t get me wrong, as someone who is currently using the stock spindle, it will definitly get the job done, but it has its limitations.
Looks at it this way, you can tow a big trailer with a Honda Civic, it’ll will do the job and you’ll get to your destination eventually, but if you were to tow that trailer with a big truck your life will just be that much better.
Depending on the tolerances you are looking for, it may be very tough to cut aluminum. For example, small aluminum pieces I cut are generally ~.05-.1" off, but cutting a softer material yields much closer tolerances. This probably has to do with the vibration that courses through the machine as it cuts the relatively tough material. You can improve this by getting the smaller, 500mm X-Carve, because of the shorter rails, there is less flex in the machine. Of course, there are mods out there to help this, but still the long axis have a bit of flex and twist that you just can’t get rid of.
As for spindles, I use a DW660, but would highly advice against getting it. In my eyes, the only way to go is either the .8kw chinese VFD or a dewalt DW611 (or equiv). VFD is preferred, variable speeds and precision collets make all the difference. Also for aluminum, you will need to build up some barriers along the Y-Axis rails to block any aluminum chips from getting stuck in a vwheel or pulley or something. Speaking of the Y-Axis you DEFINITELY need to turn the pots up on the gShield. I can’t tell you how frustrated I was trying to figure out that problem, back in the early days of the X-Carve.
Also its probably worth considering having a local machinist create these out of 1/4" or thicker aluminum:
In short, while you can cut aluminum with a stock machine, you’ll either get horribly poor results or it will take hours and hours for a tiny little piece. Time is money, and if you can reduce the time you spend cutting and increase the quality as well you can do some great things with this little machine. The only way to get that is to do upgrades/mods.
Hi Eric:
So, if I understood you clearly, you are suggesting actually getting the 500 MM X-Carve for less flexing and then moding it ? I’m concerned the 500 MM may not be large enough, although thus far, I don’t think there is any piece to my custom folding E-Bike, which is longer than 10 inches, or thicker than 2 inches, so the smaller machine may well be where I should start I thank you for your excellent advice Eric
Hi Rusty:
I’m not concerned with speed ultimately. It’s always nice to have a fast and accurate machine, but at the price point we’re dealing with here, waiting an extra 20 minutes won’t break me financially. Perhaps using a 1.8 th inch and working at much slower feed rates can still yield excellent results ?? I will consider your advice. Thank you for your input Rusty
Find a software package that uses cutting strategies optimized for metal. There are cutting strategies that optimize tool contact for best results.
Get a cooling mist or lube spray system (depending on your cooling strategy, and what it will do to MDF, you may want to get a aluminum-slot waste board)
Add chip shields to the sided of your work area. The chips will get everywhere and can gum up your v-wheels
Consider alternatives. The x-care is a great machine, easily modable and upgradable. But it is not the only entry level design out their. Each design approach and machine has its own pros and cons.
Here is a thread that shows what the x-care can do with aluminum:
Hi Aaron:
You are the second X-Carve user to suggest I purchase the 500 MM version. Your Aluminum work is of very high quality from what I can see. Your anodizing looks wonderful ! Well, it’s clear the X-Carve 500 mm can do the job on Aluminum I’m looking for in order to build my dream custom designed folding Electric scooter with 10 inch micro-wheels.
The point about the software is important. Easel will not do well with aluminum. I’d recommend CamBam as a good starting point. It is free for the first 40 sessions, which if you leave it running will last you a long time. Enough to get a better idea of what you want to do. You should look into things like ramping cuts (I think CamBam calls this a spiral lead-in), avoiding climb milling, and avoiding cutting slots the same width as the bit.
You probably don’t need to worry about a misting system at first. I’ve been avoiding it as I don’t want to coat my workshop (and the inside of my lungs) with aersolized cutting fluid. I’ve been doing OK by just applying a bit of cutting oil with a dropper during the cut.
A little airbrush compressor with a hose attached to the spindle mount will help clear away chips as you cut. You don’t need a lot of pressure.
There’s been several mentions of the 800w spindle (and VFD)
I weighed one of these and it comes in at 2.4kgs (over 5 lbs). Isn’t this a bit heavy for the X-Carve?
Now I know what the x-axis mod is, I think I’ll do this as part of the initial build.
There seems to be a range of opinions as to how wide the gap needs to be. 4mm is a readily available thickness in both steel and aluminium so I’ll go with that…