Thanks Inventables

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to share my gratitude, for the X carve and especially this forum. Last year, I was working a crappy job, and could barely make ends meet. The only way I could keep going was that I kept telling myself one day I’d have the machinery to build my OWN stuff again.
Fast forward- Got my first X carve (500mm) sometime in April. Man, spending that $$ was scary and took a Looooong time for me to bite the bullet and do it. Was looking at the Shapeoko for a while, but something just didn’t feel right, and I couldn’t convince myself.
Maybe it was the belt drive Z axis?
Anyway, I stumbled onto the Inventables forum, and placed my order the next day (ok, week).
Glad to say that this little machine has already paid for itself 4 times over, and I just picked up a used 1000mm that should be earning pure profit in less than 2 weeks. Sweet!!
Anyways, they may not be the type of CNC machines I had in mind last year, but they are MINE, they get the job done, and they are PAID FOR.
I’ll gladly put up with some fussy belts, and suicidal limit switches, for that. Any day!!


Great to hear. Even those issues will disappear with time and a little practice and tweaking.

Sounds great, what kind of products do you make?

It is a good thing to say that it is helping with your business and got enough to go up and upgrade!

Right now, I’ve been doing 1 part for a friends business. Thousands of the same cut, over and over. With the new machine, I want to start doing guitars again.

I’m tiring of engraving folk’s names into 8 ft deck boards too but it has been bringing in the $$$ to allow me to do other things without tapping the household funds…

I look forward to making jewelry boxes again soon.

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Sorry but please elaborate, this sounds like a awesome idea.

I’m not sure who you directed your comment to @JoeSleeman , but if it is me, this will fill you in.

it was at you @JkWestphal. Not the route I was expecting that to go, awesome none the less. Good for you! I was thinking you were doing it to residential decks.

There is no reason I couldn’t but there isnt much call for that in these parts, at least not yet. I have some business cards and folks have asked who was doing the engraving, so it may turn into something, Then again it may not too.

It’s good either way, we have our beloved Companero’s back!

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