Surfacing a project

Has anyone used their ex carve to plain to surface and level using a surfacing bit? If so, how did you use the machine to do it?

I drew a toolpath from front to back and shifted it from left to right. There is a website for inputting the pertinent info and generating gcode too.

G-code generators for facing (CNC)

I bet you could do the same kind of thing by drawing a huge rectangle in Easel and Clear out the pocket to a depth.


Yep, rectangular ā€˜pocketsā€™ in Easel is how I do it.
I need to plane the surface of both pieces of inlay projects.
To deal with the radius this leaves in the corners, I make the rectangle a little wider (by at least the diameter of the surfacing bit) and I also set the bottom-left zero to be half that distance to the left.

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I have not wasted the time to make tool paths. If you shut the machine down, anchor your work piece, install your bit. I have surfaced my work, by manually moving the X,Z, and Y until I had parallel edges, then ran the rest through the planer. It takes much less time and much less headache.

I did this for the first time yesterday. Iā€™m new to CNC but Iā€™m eager so, using a 1" resurfacing bit, I put my machine in ā€œjoggingā€ mode and manually removed 1/4 inch from the surface of a 2" thick, 20" x 14" piece of Maple.