[Solved] Stepper motors wont move


Ok, Joe. Good luck. If you hook your homing switches back up and have issues let me know. I have spent a lot of time on them and we can get them working.

I removed the gshield and arduino from the metal housing to make 100% sure all the pins are fully inserted and they are. I will let you know when I get it sorted what the problem turns out to be.

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Thats great thank you. Iā€™ll let you know when its working and what the problem turns out to be.

I know this is getting ridiculous - it is most likely a bad shield. Howeverā€¦ I DID read once that someoneā€™s Arduino and Gshield was somehow making contact with the enclosure, thereby messing up GRBL function. Did you try it out with the board and shield OUTSIDE of the enclosure? Orā€¦ just wait for the remote (but keep this in mind)

Someone also noticed that their fan screws were too long and touching the board, so thatā€™s another reason to try it outside the case.

Wow. I just got a lot of ideas just by reading this thread. :slight_smile:
I am new but I am not new to electronics or Mills. I have seen several and just have not had the opportunity to own one.
I have had to make my stuff the old fashion way.

Yes I have removed it from the metal enclosure, I did it mainly to make sure the pins were fully inserted but still no joy. I left the fan off for the short amount of time I tested it.

I have tried it outside of the case and without the fan attached but no good. I really do think the gshield is the problem.

I doubt this is the problem, since you got the spindle to spin, but did you double check that the power supply was set for 220 instead of 110? Just a thought.

I have the power supple set to 220v, I think it would have blown if I left it on 110v. Like you say the spindles works fine, it must be the gshield

I think one last thing I can think of is the re-flashing your Arduino. If GShield sitting in place correctly and your stepper wires are correct, you must see green lights flickers whe you move X/Y/Z Axis. If you see lights flicking that is the last result I would try. If youā€™re willing to do it We can help you to go thru step by step with instructions and files you need. As long as your Communication is established with Arduino, it is very straight forward and easy. Let us know.

Since the $$ command is working the software must be loaded correctly

Not exactly. If there is one glitch on it, program stops at the beginning. Doesnā€™t take any command to send grbl.

Just an update for everyone. Inventables sent me out a new gshield and everything works great now. Every axis moves perfectly. So it was just a faulty gshield all along. Thank you all for your time and help, I really do appreciate it.


Thanks for the update. Glad it was something able to be trobleshot, sorry it required waiting on a new item.

Have fun carving.

Thanks, Iā€™m glad it was something beyond my control to be honest. It didnt take log to reach me in the UK I was very surprised to recieve the delivery this morning. I cant wait to start on all my ideas :smile: