Looking to sell an X-Carve in the Portland Oregon area. Purchased it 8 months ago and have outgrown it with our new business (geekmadedesigns.com). I have a table and other extras if you are interested. Looking to sell it end of August / first of September.
It is still available. I have been out of town all month and getting back in a few days. There are a few folks that have expressed interest and want to check it out when we return. If you are on the Portland area I’m happy to show it to you as soon as Friday of this week.
Im down in the albany area, but I have cash and am willing to pick it up this week if that is a possibility for you. We have a friend that is in the local area that we just went and saw his machine in action tonight and love it.
I have to wait till next week before I can sell it. I am waiting for our new machine to get assembled then I can sell this one. There are a few people interested as well and I have let them know I can’t sell it before the end of next week.