Selling my 1000mm XCarve, it was purchased July 2018 and is working very well. Just don’t have the room for it. Includes the X-Carve, clamp set, tool set, many bits including 60 degree v-bit, 1” flattening bit, 1/2 box core bit. Also has the Z axis touch plate and a Triquetra CNC 3 axis touch plate. The waste board has been flattened and I installed T-track and clamps to allow quick securing of work pieces. $1550, prefer local pickup.
I’m pretty interested. I’m up in Indiana so I would have to figure out a way to come down and get it
Actually I have a friend with a truck. So I am very interested. Would I be able to see it working when arriving down there? If you are cool with me purchasing it This does not have a vac attachment correct?
Sent you a DM
I am interested but have a few questions how about a pm
PM sent
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