I am wondering from others on here what you have seen as far as how things are being shipped out. I ordered my X Carve at the beginning of the month and so far have gotten 2 packages and my best guess is that I am still waiting on 3 more. The V-Carve software shipped today, and still waiting on the waste board, and controller kit. I expected the waste board to come separately, however I kind of expected that to be one of the first things to ship since i would expect them to have a stack of these things ready to go out just like the rail kit. But I was surprised to see that the controller kit didn’t ship out with the rest of the components as all of the components are useless with out the controller and i see that as basically all the same things.
So what can I expect? I sent in a email asking for updates since there isn’t a way to get any sort of feedback and there doesn’t seem to be something as simple as a document telling customers what to expect on shipping (I.E. what ships together normally, how many packages to expect, and general items will ship 3-5 days apart from each other)
Agreed a phone call is always better than email, but knew they wouldn’t be there last night when I got home and frustration took over. It was probably best to write an email verses call and be rude.
I did get the emails, but this is unrelated to my actual question asking for others for their experience on how items have shipped to them and the time frame it took.
Have the same issues- I ordered my on the 2nd - and just now got some of the pieces.
Still waiting for the main unit, waste board and several other items. I did see they would ship items separately, but didn’t expect them to ship them out little by little for over a month.
I have a hard time being patient, especially when it comes to something I’ve paid a lot of money for. But I also know as long as I have an idea about what’s going on and what to expect then I’m okay. They said everything would ship out in 2-3 weeks. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks and I’ll be surprised if I get notified that the rest has shipped
I order my 1M machine on 12/29. So were probably not too far off. I will be receiving my X controller today (shipped Tuesday). The only thing that has not shipped is the waste-board. I will be at 4 weeks tomorrow. Just go give you some idea of the time frame.
Yours may be a bit sooner as my order was placed over the Holidays.
I ordered mine in December. I sent emails and complained. Took four weeks to make the first shipment, I got the controller on Tues the 23rd of January and I think that is the last shipment.
The first box had a packing list that did not match the order I made or the instructions. After that no more packing lists. I think I have everything now. I will not know for sure until it is assembled. Everything I have received was clearly labeled and marked with part numbers, descriptions and sizes. Except the controller that has nothing labeled. When I finished assembly I had no parts left so I hope I did it correctly.
I was shipped an extra waste board and I am trying to return it. Inventables has not sent me a return label yet.
I was just notified they are shipping a clamp kit from the original order. I did not order a clamp kit and I will likely return it as well.
I feel like they make a great product but I am disappointed in the organization and having to do everything online, even the building instructions.
I ordered on December 27. Here’s how mine shipped…
Shipment 1 - Shipping notice on January 11, received January 16
X-Carve - 30686-03
X-Carve 1000mm Drag Chain Kit - 30696-01
X-Carve 1000mm Homing Switch Kit - 30700-01
X-Carve NEMA 23 1000mm Motor Kit - 30692-01
X-Carve 110V DeWalt 611 Spindle and Mount - 30622-04
X-Carve Z-Probe - 30731-01
X-Carve Toolkit - 30540-02
X-Carve End Mill Starter Set - 30730-01
Shipment 2 - Shipping notice on January 15, received January 17
X-Carve 1000mm Rail Kit - 30689-02
Shipment 3 - Shipping notice on January 17, received January 19
Starter Material Bundle - 30720-01
Shipment 4 - Shipping notice on January 18, received January 22
X-Carve 1000mm Waste Board Kit - 30703-02
Shipment 5 - Shipping notice on January 23, received January 25
X-Carve X-Controller Kit - 30712-01
Shipment 6 - Shipping notice on January 23, received January 25
X-Carve Clamp Set - 30717-01
Waiting to be shipped
X-Carve Dust Control System - 30768-02
I will echo that everything was well packed and very clearly labeled with part names and numbers. One thing I would suggest is that they would find a way to identify on the order history page which items have been shipped and which are pending. Similar to how I list it above…
Everything I’ve gotten was well packages as well and I agree that having to go back through my email to figure out what had shipped and what I’m still waiting for. Think everything I’ve heard about the x carve has been positive but I think they are lacking in feedback and customer service
Ordered mine Dec 20th. On Jan 11th my main box showed up with the router and parts. On the 16th a waste board showed up, and no email to warn me. On the 16th i got a email saying a waste board was on its way. Monday the 22nd, got the second waste board. Yesterday, the 24th I got the x controller. I was told tuesday, wednesday, and today that they would be shipping my rail kit over night, but have no emails saying it has been shipped as of yet. If it didnt go today, I guess it will be next week. Yesterday was 5 weeks, I am not upset, but feel honest answers would have made my expectations more reasonable.
Okay I’m seeing a theme here, although they have yet to send me any extra parts dang it. But I still haven’t gotten a response to my email from yesterday either.
sounds like they need a better inventory system and shipment tracking.
I did notice they’ve removed the dust control system entirely from order citing inventory issues. Additionally, I was going to order last week, saw the 4-6 week shipping delays and then when i looked sunday it was back to 3 weeks… so, maybe a sign they feel they are getting a handle on things now?
So this is the response I received a little while ago
Paul Stolz replied:
Hi Aaron,
We are hoping to ship your controller today! We our goal with shipping in batches is to get the items out as quickly as possible to our customers. Our shipping team is small, and in order to catch up with the in flux of orders we’ve received in the last couple of months, we have been shipping components in batches. With that in mind, we are doing our best to get your items shipped out within 21 days from placing your order. Unfortunately, our wasteboard packaging delivery was delayed, so we may not be able to ship your board until Tuesday. Once that ships, you should have everything you ordered from us!
We appreciate your patience in this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime and I’d be happy to help.
waiting on the dust control system from 2 months ago… hardly any proactive information at this point. a couple emails here and there, but usually long after they blew past their expected dates. If anyone new is purchasing I would strongly recommend against the dust kit. the the price for a boot, hose and pole plus two months to get it is a bit of a joke. I now get to babysit my x-carve to avoid dust going everywhere. Nothing like have automation to have to still be standing right beside it the ENTIRE TIME.
Blockquote waiting on the dust control system from 2 months ago… hardly any proactive information at this point. a couple emails here and there, but usually long after they blew past their expected dates. If anyone new is purchasing I would strongly recommend against the dust kit. the the price for a boot, hose and pole plus two months to get it is a bit of a joke. I now get to babysit my x-carve to avoid dust going everywhere. Nothing like have automation to have to still be standing right beside it the ENTIRE TIME.`
I did not order the dust collector with my machine. I later learn on the forum that another company actually makes it and sells them direct to the public. I ordered one from that company. Three weeks later they may be shipping it any day now. My PayPal receipt says I ordered medical supplies. The company has one name on the website, the order was placed with a lady named Jenn. To add insult to injury I have to be home and sign for it. Makes me want climb up on my roof and scream.
The company you ordered the dust boot from is called SuckIt Dustboot and they are the actual inventors and patent holders for that design. They made a deal with Inventables to license their design for sale and then Inventables added some stuff like hoses and a hanger system. From what I hear, Inventables was getting these made overseas and their supplier crapped out on them. That’s why it’s not listed on the accessories page any longer. SuckIt makes their own versions but they are a small company and also make them for the Shapeoko CNC so their orders take a while. It did state when I ordered mine from them that it would take 3 weeks for delivery.