This machine is as complete as it gets for the 500mm X-Carve. Rigid and completely capable of milling aluminum.
I’m off to graduate school soon and am no longer able to keep my CNC with me while I move. The electronics can be sold either with the CNC or separately. Soundproof enclosure not included. Local pickup in Jacksonville only. Feel free to come check it out!
Electronics - $425
CNC - $700
Electronics + spindle + VFD - $625
CNC + spindle + VFD - $850
Everything - $1150
- 500mm
- Nema 23 steppers
- Aluminum bed
- 5/8" thick aluminum tall y-axis plates
- Steel plate for x-axis stiffening
- DeWalt 611 spindle mount
- 0.8 kW air cooled
- 1.5kW VFD controller @ 120V
- 3D printed spacer for securing spindle to mount
- Planet CNC mk 3/4 controller board with software
- Planet CNC output board (controls spindle on/off/reverse and speed through gcode)
- 3 Leadshine DM422 stepper drivers
- Iot Relay. Switch on electronics enclosure controls power to relay (for things like shopvac or dust extractor)
- Electronics enclosure has a switch for each of the electronic components and power supplies
- Emergency stop switch
- Mean Well 12V DC 12.5A 150W power supply
- Mean Well 24V DC 12.5A 300W power supply